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Premium quality products
Best Material Available
Qualified and experienced craftsmanship
Quick in time deliveries. With great pleasure, we take the opportunity to introduce "M.MURID INDUSTRY" as bonfire Manufacturers and Exporters of Tools for Jewelry, Watch Making, Beading, Opticians, Electricians and Craftsmen. We feel pleasure to mention that our company is certified for International Quality Control System of ISO Standard to achieve the high standard of quality for our products to the entire satisfaction of our customers. We are supplying the good quality, competitive prices without detracting of our quality and preferable services to our worthy buyers since last many years.

We are very thankful to our worthy buyers for continuing of their Co-operations & Valuable comments about our quality as well as services and opinions/suggestions to develop our range of products by adding their new articles and requirements with us, which we are sending them regularly within our committed delivery time. We keep secret all demands and designs/articles of our buyers.

It is our great wish and aim to expand and promote our business in the world market by supplying of our products range in aforesaid professions. Therefore, we are looking for new buyers of our products and we can send samples on request for any of article from our catalogue and according to the customers own articles/designs. We assure to provide good quality of our products, competitive prices and short time delivery.

Comments/suggestions and inquiries are always welcomed.

Thanks with Kind Regards,

Beliebte Produkte

2,00 $ - 5,00 $
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 50 Stück